The honest clouds.
— Ada Limón
I want to gather cloud connoisseurs and sweets enthusiasts and chat all day.
—Masaoka Shiki
Our cycle ends, clouds remain (Feb 4, 2025)To dream is to remember (Feb 3, 2025)What was air travel like before airplanes? (Feb 2, 2025)Due to blinking, love arises; due to blinking, love ceases (Feb 1, 2025)When I look up, they say ‘keep digging’ (Jan 31, 2025)Wash ego with rain (Jan 30, 2025)Despite all the preparation, here’s the door (Lunar New Year. Jan 29, 2025)I need a rough measurement of abundance (Jan 28, 2025)There’s a frantic pacing back-and-forth in silence (Jan 27, 2025)Is language in the ether and it finds us scribbling away? (Jan 26, 2025)There’s nothing the sky hasn’t said (Jan 25, 2025)Her voice fades, neither abrupt or even expected (Jan 24, 2025)There is a song, as eternal as the stillness (Jan 23, 2025)For Kai. To know a glimpse, be a glimpse (Jan 22, 2025)The mist carries the moss (Jan 21, 2025)Between the times of being together and being alone (Jan 20, 2025)A mantra before paddling out (Jan 19, 2025)If I measured time the way you do (Jan 18, 2025)Where does driftwood come from? (Jan 17, 2025)Rain your purpose before it flies away (Jan 16, 2025)I’m the antidote to diffraction (Jan 15, 2025)A hundred birds’ pain, flying does not relieve (Jan 14, 2025)Good views of the human limit (Jan 13, 2025)The cormorants‘ empire (Jan 12, 2025)White-nosed heart (Jan 11, 2025)Miasma pressure (Jan 10, 2025)Dawn enter the world (Jan 9, 2025)Jinn over east (Jan 8, 2025)Smoke break off the coast (Jan 7, 2025)